Thursday, January 28, 2016

Parent's Night Out
at Seacoast Family Martial Arts
Friday, January 29th
5-9 pm
Fun and Games, Pizza, Movie
Only $10
(Padded Lightsaber $10 additional)
Great Bay Karate
83 Main St, Dover, NH

Dress in your Favorite Star Wars Character.
Bring Your own Nurf Gun (Blaster) and eye protection

Class Schedule
6:15 pm -  Joe Lewis Kick Boxing System
7:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Kata - Sanchin, Naihanchi, Bunkai

Tues, Wed, Thurs
6:15 pm - Joe Lewis Kick Boxing System
7:30 pm - Kata - Sanchin, Naihanchi, Bunkai
8:00 pm - 9 pm - Reality Based Training - Self Defense
                            Kyusho-jitsu, Tuite-jitsu, Arnis, Jujitsu, Stick, Knife and Gun Defense

Saturday Mornings
9:15 am -  Joe Lewis Kick Boxing System
10:00 am 11 am - Kata - Sanchin, Naihanchi, Bunkai - Self Defense

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Great Class last night covering a wide range of Martial Arts and Self Defense techniques.
Joe Lewis Kick Boxing System, Uechi Ryu, Sanchin, Naihanchi, Kyusho-jitsu, Tuite-jitsu and Krav Maga techniques. Come join us for classes Mon-Thur at 6:15 pm and Saturday mornings at 9:15.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Woman's Self Defense Class in support of the HAVEN House
Great Woman's Personal Protection Class tonight at Great Bay Karate. We learned great Self Defense skills from Kick Boxing, Judo, Jujitsu and Tang Soo Do.

Student Testimonial

SFMA is a great place to learn valuable self-defense skills and build self-confidence. All the instructors are very fun, friendly and knowledgeable. They teach a variety of disciplines so whether you’re experienced or a beginner, I would recommend SFMA!!

Amylie Anderson

Friday, January 8, 2016

Support Haven
Join us Friday, January 15 at 7pm for a Woman's Personal Protection class

Congratulations to new promotions at Seacoast Family Martial Arts.
Lucian Couture, Amylee Anderson, Danielle Lelio and Aaron Wosnak